Friday, April 29, 2011

4. Good Brand

Apple is one of the most successful brands in the world due to its recognizable logo, unified aesthetic, and aggressive marketing. By using a logo that is easily connected with the brand name, the logo by itself is instantly recognizable. Its sleek and stylish aesthetic gives the impression that the brand itself is exclusive and high quality, while the aggressive marketing appeals directly to the brands demographics and is unified whether in print, television, or packaging. For example, the highly successful silhouette commercials not only made the iPod attractive, but highlighted the fact that they were now available in different colors. They were also able to sustain the campaign by gradually adding more complex colors and textures to the basic silhouette dancing with an iPod. The advertisements appeal to their target market - young professionals and students. Finally, their Mac v. PC ads brought together comedians and a simple look to create humorous and carefully designed ads that poked fun at Microsoft and highlighted Apple's features.

1 comment:

  1. Hey Zuki!
    I was just looking at what people have made so far for their project and research so far. I really like your point that Microsoft is in a different age (espically compared to it's competitors)and that it can afford to rebrand. I think Microsoft is a really good company to choose for this project and you'll be able to do a lot with their logo!
    I think rebranding to a younger audience is a good idea, because that's the really influential market that is interested in technology and can afford it.
    I thought it was a good idea that you compared Microsoft to Apple, because you'll be able to apply a lot of Apples ideas to Microsoft in hopes of making a successful rebrand.
    Goodluck with the rest of your rebrand :)
